Christian Book Review of Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power

Book Review: Crushing by T.D. Jakes

Book Review of Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Wine

by T.D. Jakes 

Christian Book Review Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power

I had just finished this book on audible, and the moment it clicked over to finished, I knew I needed to listen to it again. 

This book is filled with so much goodness and wisdom that listening to it once is not enough. Keep reading to find out why I found it so good... 


About the Book

The book uses the analogy of wine making to show us how the Father as the master wine-maker can crush, press, bury and fertilise (yep, just think about what fertiliser is made out of for a second) our lives in order to produce more fruit and a delicious wine of our lives. 

The way the author does this is in a classy and well-rounded way. Unlike other books which find a partial analogy and then change and manipulate scripture in order to fit with their idea and paint a picture, this analogy is based off the stories and scriptures in the bible and the message that they paint themselves. As the reader we are left feeling like not only is this an accurate analogy but also a biblical one for our journeys and walks with God. 

Some chapters include titles such as "Pruning is not punishment", "The price of crushing" and "Spiritual Fermentation" , which give a good picture of the content of the book. 


What I took away

What I got out of the book was a perfect reframing of some challenging times with God, struggling to understand why things worked out the way they did, feeling like I didn't receive the promises God had made over my life, and wondering if I had somehow messed up the journey along the way. What I now understand is that these times were times to challenge and build my faith, allowed me to continue on my path with God and end up just where I needed to be. Despite our confusion, or stress, or perceived distance from God, he is still there and he still has the master plan of our lives. 

 I listened to this book a second time to make sure I really absorbed all the author had to say and really understand how God could have been moving through my life.


I gave this book 5/5 stars. There isn't anything I would improve and is one I can see myself periodically going back to when I face new challenges in life. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did. 

 Images curtesy of and

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