Stay or Go? Am I in a Season of Change?

Stay or Go? Am I in a Season of Change?

In life there will be key points where we must make the choice to change or stay. During these times we can feel clouded, confused and uncertain of God's plan for us moving forward. 


In this article we will unpack:

- The sense of shifting seasons

- How to know when it is time to transition

- Knowing God's will during these seasons


The sense of shifting seasons 

The sense of a changing season can come in many different forms- an inner sense, external changes, or starting to become unsettled. Whatever the sign is, t's crucial as believers to discern whether these signs originate from God or external influences (such as our own feelings or the enemy).


There has been key times in my life where I have felt unsettled somewhere that I knew I was clearly called to. Because I had a firm conviction that this was somewhere was meant to be, I was able to discern that these feelings were an attempt from the enemy to pull me away, rather than a sign that I needed to leave.


If you're coming into a moment where you are feeling unsettled and aren't sure if you should stay or go, there are things you can do to help discern whether these feelings are truly a sign to change.  


How to know when it is time to transition


  1. Remain connected with God

Maintaining a deep connection with God not just in times of troubles but in our everyday lives gives us the ability to hear from Him constantly. This gives us intimate knowledge of His plans, the flavour of His voice, and helps us discern what He might be sharing with us.


  1. Consistency with God's revealed plans

God's Spirit comes to guide us into obedience. If a potential change aligns with God's prior guidance and resonates with the vision and ideas He has planted in our hearts, it may be the right direction to pursue. If this new pathway isn't consistent with the direction, vision or ideas that God has been planting on your heart previously, then it may not be for you.


  1. A sense of 'rightness'

I've learnt that God sometimes wants us to make a decision that is not necessarily logical. You may feel another option makes more sense or is more safe, but God always looks at the bigger picture. Whenever I've leant into the feeling of right more than safety, ease and logic it has always paid off. Trust the inner conviction of what feels right. You will be more likely to recognise this during some prayer and meditation time, as often anxiety can cloud our feeling of right and wrong.


  1. Closed doors

Sometimes we know we are in a season of change, but don't know what option to take. God can guide us by closing the wrong doors and leaving the door open that He wants us to go through. In the same way, if the doors we are pursuing are not opening, it may not be the right time to transition. It doesn't mean that God doesn't have that path in store for us, but His timing hasn't yet come to fruition.


 What is not a sign of transition:
  1. Seasons of dryness. Biblically, seasons of dryness are opportunities to pray for breakthrough, not to leave. Examples from the Bible are the city of Jericho, the Israelites in the desert, and Eli and the 3 year drought
  2. Bad circumstances. Difficult circumstances do not necessarily signal a need for change. Instead, they can be seasons of refinement and strengthening our faith. Trust that God has a purpose for us in those moments. The Bible has many stories of people in bad circumstances and are brought through them by God for a purpose. 
  3. Others leaving. The Bible has many stories of faithful people who stayed in situations when others left. Rahab stayed and cared for the spies when others fled, Mary stayed at the feet of Jesus when others were preparing the meal, thousands of people abandoned Jesus when he was convicted and sentenced to death. The ones who stayed often surrendered their thoughts and feelings for the Will of God.
  4. Seeing other opportunities arise. Opportunities will always come and go, but not every opportunity is meant for us. Jesus had many opportunities to go to different cities in his three years of ministry, however he always stuck with the singular plan of God. Stay focused on the direction God has set for you and resist distractions that deviate from His plan.


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