The Meaning of Discipleship

The Meaning of Discipleship

Discipleship is a term that is thrown around and mentioned a lot within Christian circles. What does it actually mean? 

Discipleship has a few different meanings. It can mean the relationship a believer has with Jesus, being a disciple of Jesus. It can also mean the mentorship and relationship between fellow believers who are encouraging each other towards Christ.

In the Bible, we see discipleship characterised in the following way:

  1. Build relationships: Discipleship often started with Jesus building relationships with others. Spend time with people, get to know them, and show genuine care and interest in their lives.

  2. Share your own experiences: Sharing your own experiences of following a particular path or spiritual practice can be helpful in guiding others. This can include sharing your own struggles and victories, as well as the lessons you have learned along the way. This was commonly seen by Paul writing letters to the churches, sharing his own experiences to encourage and exhort his listeners. 

  3. Teach and model: Discipleship involves both teaching and modeling. Provide guidance and instruction on how to follow a particular path or practice, but also model those practices in your own life. Jesus encouraged people to 'follow' him, allowing the way he lived his life to be an example to those around him.

  4. Encourage growth: Encourage others to continue to grow and develop in their own practice, and provide support and guidance along the way.  Jesus and the Apostles encouraged those around them to grow and learn, and this continued long after Jesus went to heaven. The Apostles felt called to share the Good news across the Roman Empire and Middle East and encouraged all who would listen to grow and learn. 

  5. Hold accountable: Hold others accountable to the commitments they have made, and provide support and guidance when they face challenges or setbacks. Jesus would set an expecation, and support people to reach it, but left the responsibility with the person themselves. We each have free will and we are each accountable for our choices and actions in life. 

Discipleship is a trinity model. We have our discipleship with Jesus, we disciple another person directly, and they have a discipleship with Jesus. Together, the trinity of connection helps to keep both people growing and moving towards God. 

Compared to the Biblical model outlined above, reflect on how well you are discipling those around you. What areas could you learn from Jesus in how he discipled others? 

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