What is Spiritual fasting?

What is Spiritual fasting?

What is Spiritual fasting? If you are on this page, chances are you've either:

  • heard someone talking about fasting
  • have read about fasting in the Bible or other religious book
  • are curious about Lent and why people fast

What is fasting?

Fasting is when you give up something (traditionally food) for some kind of health benefit. Spiritual fasting follows this same principle, except the outcome the person seeks is spiritual. 

Fasting increases self-control and trains the mind to ignore certain thoughts. People find this helpful when struggling with obsessive thoughts, lust, anger or depression/anxiety. Fasting helps them regain control over their mind and what thoughts they listen to and follow. 

How is this spiritual?

Fasting creates a spiritual connection for many, as they reduce the 'cloudyness' created by following in-the-moment whims and desires. They reset their focus on long term goals and direction. People often fast in combination with prayer when believing for a breakthrough in their life, such as a new job opportunity, a health crisis or a troubled relationship. When thoughts of the thing being fasted come up, many use this as an opportunity to pray and reconnect spiritually with God. 

Does it work?

If you have questions about whether fasting works, the best way is to try it for yourself. To fast, follow these steps:

How to Fast

  1. Choose something that would be a sacrifice for you to give up.  
  2. Set the pretense around how long you'll be fasting. Some people give it up over a long period, others more intensely over a short period. E.g. giving up food completely for 3 days, or giving up food before 12pm for 3 months. 
  3. What is the goal of your fast? To gain more spiritual awareness? To pray for something? You will remind yourself of this every time a craving comes up.
  4. Keep yourself accountable. Have a person aware of what you're doing so that you have a sense of accountability. 
  5. Beware of temptation. This is where you start to experience the spiritual side of things more intensely. Watch how temptation plays in your mind. Look at its patterns for how it works for you. Are you someone who is more tempted at certain times of day? Are you someone who finds it harder to say no to the small 'slip ups'? Are you tempted to compromise? 
  6. Dig in to faith and the strength of your will. Our body and mind is here to serve us on our journeys in life. Our society however has convinced us that whatever our body or mind wants, we should give it. This fast period will reset you so that your will and your spiritual sense of right and wrong will become stronger than your body and mind. 

If you want to know more about Lent and the significance of fasting at this time, read The meaning of Lent


Image from Freepik

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